
(30 customer reviews)


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kjøp Adderall i Sverige uten resept, vi har rask levering av Adderall og selges i originalpakker på døren innen 24 timer Hva er Adderall? Adderall inneholder en kombinasjon av amfetamin og dekstroamfetamin. Amfetamin og dekstroamfetamin er sentralstimulerende midler for sentralnervesystemet som påvirker kjemikalier i hjernen og nerver som bidrar til hyperaktivitet og impulskontroll. Adderall brukes til å behandle oppmerksomhetsunderskudd hyperaktivitetsforstyrrelse (ADHD) og narkolepsi. Adderall kan også brukes til formål som ikke er oppført i denne medisinguiden. Advarsler Adderall kan være vanedannende, og dette stoffet er en avhengighet. Fortell legen din dersom du har hatt problemer med narkotika eller alkoholmisbruk. Stimulerende midler har forårsaket hjerneslag, hjerteinfarkt og plutselig død hos personer med høyt blodtrykk, hjertesykdom eller hjertesvikt. Ikke bruk dette legemidlet hvis du har brukt en MAO-hemmer de siste 14 dagene, slik som isokarboksazid, linezolid, fenelzin, rasagilin, selegilin eller tranylcypromin eller har fått en metylenblått injeksjon.

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1000st, 100st, 200st, 300st, 500st

30 reviews for Adderall

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  1. curtis jones (store manager)

    Am Curtis, ordered from United States and you made it possible to get my stuff. big thumbs up for your services and product. guys don’t be scared to order as they’re legit.

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  2. fidel (store manager)

    Fantastiske produkter og tjenester. Er glad

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  3. cyril (store manager)

    The best i have had in time when it comes to product quality and services. thanks

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  4. Georgia

    Thanks for my order, will definitely order more

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  5. Fleischer

    You made it happen, thanks for not letting me down

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  6. Wease

    I’m 45 years old and have been prescribed adderal for the last 5 months. Taken as prescribed it’s truly a magical substance.

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  7. Keith

    Psykiateren min skrev ut adderall til meg for omtrent et år siden, jeg var ganske standhaftig i min beslutning om å ikke ta det og gjorde henne godt klar over det. Jeg endte opp med å prøve det, og jeg må si at det var en fantastisk avgjørelse. Alle områder av livet mitt har blitt bedre. Jeg forventet virkelig å føle meg høy, på kanten og ikke meg selv når jeg tok den, men det jeg følte var klarhet, ro og en bedre mental tilstand.

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  8. luke

    Denne medisinen har gitt meg mulighet til å overvinne alvorlig ADHD og LEVE LIV MITT vellykket siden jeg begynte å ta det i 1997.

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  9. Ramon

    Det hjalp meg virkelig når jeg skulle ta det, jeg ville prestere mye bedre enn normalt og eliminerte alle symptomer på ADHD, men det fikk meg til å føle at jeg ikke gjorde det jeg gjorde.

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  10. Peter

    Gjorde college en mulighet for meg. Jeg klarte å fokusere og prestere godt i timene mine. Før det hadde jeg mislyktes, men visste at jeg kunne mer enn karakterene mine viste. I løpet av årene (17 eller så tror jeg) har jeg holdt meg på samme dose uten bivirkninger. Jeg har siden blitt forfremmet på jobb, og selv om jeg sliter med å lære tidsstyring på et helt nytt nivå.

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  11. Anders

    I’ve been taking 20mg IR Adderall for over a year for my ADHD and its worked wonders

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  12. Hailee

    I have been taking Adderall for over 25 years, and it’s been a wonder drug for me

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  13. Fredrik

    I haven’t had any kind of side effects of the medication and it has helped with my adhd very much and also helped with my low energy and fatigue from my fibromyalgia

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  14. Karl

    I feel like a new man whenever I take this. I’ve been taking it every day for 12 years and every time I do I feel amazing. The good thing with this stuff is that the more you take it the more you can take alter on. I love ADDERALLL!!!!!!!!!

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  15. Carina

    Started Adderall a few weeks ago and here is my experience SO FAR. You name the ADHD symptom and this medication has likely improved it for me! I can FEEL, focus, go out, pass time, relax, socialize, have a clear mind, avoid substance use (had a few addictions caffeine, sugar, and THC, and this helped me knock that away)

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  16. Ellinore

    Adderall works well for me depending on availability of a quality manufacturer. This does make all the difference when taken as prescribed. Once the proper dose has been achieved stick to it. At first dose 30mg twice a day, now I find 20 mg three daily works better for me. A lower dose three times daily works better for now. Finding the right dose, plenty of water, food and sleep is very helpful.

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  17. Frida

    Adderal is legal dope. For those of you that are addicts it’s nearly impossible not to abuse it. I’m 45 years old and have been prescribed adderal for the last 5 months. Taken as prescribed it’s truly a magical substance. However, as a previous addict myself I struggle to follow the doctors directions and instead get really high. So, intelligently, I have my wife hold the prescription and give me my daily dose. This has worked well and the results have been very helpful.

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  18. Hilda

    This medication is allowed me to overcome Severe ADHD and LIVE MY LIFE successfully since I started taking it in 1997.

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  19. Hanna

    I started Adderall about a year ago, and although it instantly made me concentrate and focus almost too much I had extreme anxiety panic attacks, and it made me depressed. I not only got addicted to it, but eventually it made me suicidal. This med was not for me. I’m not saying that everyone shouldn’t try it because obviously it affects people differently, but be careful on this.

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  20. Josefine

    I am 62 years old and began taking 20 mg 2 months ago after my physician sent me to be evaluated for ADHD. This diagnosis was very surprising since I always related it to children. Anyway, it sure does explain a lot of issues l have had throughout my life. My only regret is that I didn’t speak up sooner to let my physician know about how difficult it is for me to stay on track, to focus in on a conversation without drifting, actively listening and retaining what was said. My life has improved significantly.

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  21. Karolina

    My psychiatrist prescribed adderall to me about a year ago, I was pretty steadfast in my decision to not take it and made her well aware of that. I did end up giving it a try and I have to say, it was a fantastic decision. All areas of my life have improved. I was truly expecting to feel high, on edge and not myself when I took it but what I felt was clarity, calmness and all around a better mental state. It also inadvertently solved my binge eating habits. This is my personal experience and not the same for everyone. Take it as prescribed and communicate to your Doctor! Don’t let the stigma that this medication has deter you, let that be between your personal experience and what your doctor recommends. The only negative side effects I’ve had myself is ED and coldness in my limbs, which was quelled after I lost weight and lowered my blood pressure. Maintaining a healthy sleep pattern and diet are critical to how effective the medication is in my experience. In conclusion, I had to swallow my pride and trust my doctor despite my feelings and I’m happy that I did.

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  22. Katja

    I have mixed results with Adderal; I really feel there’s a difference between manufactures. I have been greatly helped by this medication.

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  23. Nora

    My young son has textbook ADHD. For several years I avoided medicating him, despite struggles in school, because doing so scared me. After a ton of research, and absolutely hating the side effect profile of a lot of the “newer” ADHD meds, I went with a tried and true classic — adderal. It has been a great experience thus far. His performance in school abruptly turned around, and he both pays attention and is motivated to do his work.

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  24. Linnea

    I’m prescribed this medication for an off label purpose. In 2003 I had a severe brain injury that resulted in damaged short term memory. Since then I have struggled with focus and concentration (largely because I forget what I’m doing while I’m doing it, or I get distracted and my hamster falls off the wheel) I take 20mg daily with my other morning meds. It helps me focus and actually complete tasks rather than just starting 50 things.

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  25. Mikaela

    I’ve been on adder all since I was in kindergarten and now I am in 12th grade. The medicine works don’t get me wrong but it makes me feel like a child in a paranormal movie sitting in the corner rocking back and forth scratching my head. It makes me depressed now that I’m older I cannot make this up! I hate taking it but it’s effective.

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  26. Sylvie

    I do not take this everyday because I only want it for focus on work and study….also, I will need to cut it in half because since I do not take it every day…I’m sensitive to it…and I only take 20mg…

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  27. Karolina

    It really helped me when I would take it I would be performing much better than normal and eliminated all symptoms of my ADHD but it made me feel like I didn’t do what I did. As in I would take it and when I would be off it I would feel like there was a completely different person who acted in place of me.

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  28. Vera

    I was fortunate to have a Doctor that asked questions and diagnosed me in my 40’s. If I had been diagnosed earlier my life would have been better. I take Adderall 30 mg XL capsules and it changed my life. I feel normal! For my treatment this form and dosage works great.

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  29. Aksel

    This medication worked well for me until switched to a less effective generic version.

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  30. Alexander

    I take adderall for the last five years. I take it for depression and it works wonders. I only take it sporadically so as not to become tolerant. I love it. It changed my life for the better.

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